Friday, January 7, 2011

Children's Literature

Happy New Year everyone! I miss you!! In the next class we will start talking about children's literature. Please watch the VIDEO about the story called "Leafy, the leaf who wouldn't leave" then answer one of the following questions:
1. What lesson do you think this story tries to teach children?
2. Tell us about one of the characters in the story and why they are important.
3. What things do you think kids like about this story?
Please feel free to add any other comments you have!



    How was your vacation?
    I had nothing special...
    Oh, yeah, I had one thing.
    I saw the first sunrise from the TUFS, and it was so beautiful!

    I'll answer the first one.
    I think this story wants to tell children not to stay at one place, and to go and see new places.

    I miss everyone...
    Looking forward to the next class!!


  2. Hey Akira!
    Thanks for the first comment of the new year~
    I missed everyone too... I can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!!!!!

  3. Happy New Year!!
    Hi Matt! This is Satsuki.
    How was your winter? I had a great time!!

    I will answer Question No.1.
    I think this story is trying to teach children not to stay in the same place and try to look new world. This also teaches us to challenge doing new things.

    See you tomorrow!!
    I am really looking forward to seeing you:)

    Satsuki Sato

  4. Happy New Year!
    This is Shota writing.
    How was your trip to Thailand?
    I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

    I'll answer No.2.
    I think the wise old owl who encouraged Leafy to leave the tree was an important charcter. Our lives may change drastically from an advice or a word from other people. It's good to have someone like this owl as a friend.

    See you tomorrow!

  5. Nooooooo my comments are gone!:(
    it's ayari, and i posted, but it disappeared....

    ok, i'm going to answer no.3

    Perhaps children like not only the adorable drawings, but also its wisdom-like story. It doesn't directly tells them how it's important to see the whole new world, but the lesson somehow comes in to their mind without notice.

    i also watched "Papa, Please Get The Moon For Me" by Eric Carle. it was heart-warming story, and you better watch this;)

    see you later today:) cant waaaaaaait!
    oh, and happy belated new year!:D

  6. Happy New Year !
    This is Yoji writing. How was your vacation?Please tell us about your trip to Thailand.

    That was a heart-warming story!
    Well, I'm going to answer No.2
    I think the boy is important because he became Leafy's best friend. A best friend makes us happy and makes our life brighter. It is essential for everyone to find such a precious friend.

    I'm Looking forward to seeing you. Bye!


  7. Happy New Year!!

    How was your winter?
    Mine was great. I went to driving school almost every day, and I ate so much food at home and got fat.

    I chose no.1 for my comment.

    This story tells children not to be afraid of seeing new world and to break one's shell. Perhaps, at first, children might be hesitate to see or feel the events that they've never experienced for their fear of not knowing how to deal with it. However, once they've overcome those fear, they can get many, many new imformation. The story tells how wonderful thing to know new things and there are many beautiful things that children haven't experienced in out side of their home.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing you later!!
    Bye! XD


  8. good afternoon, everyone. This is Kazuki.

    First of all, I love the title. "Leaf" and "leave."
    Anyway, I chose no.1

    The story tries to imply wonder and attraction of the whole new world. I'm not sure 4or5 - year - old child can understand what writer wanted to tell, it depends on his/her parents who read this to their child.

    that's it. how's your stay in Thailand? Taiwan was crazy. see you later!

  9. Happy New Year !!

    I cannot believe it is already 2011 !!
    The time just flies by...
    During the year-end and New Year holidays, I had a great time in Nagano(my grandma's place) but gained my weight. Oops.....

    I'm going to answer question no.1.
    The story tries to teach children that it is a wonderful thing to open up a whole new world. Challenging new things may lead to a new encounter like Leafy find the boy.

    See you, later!!


  10. Happy New Year Matt!

    I would like to answer question number1.
    I think this story tells children to not be too afraid of changes and the new world. In the story, Leafy was very scared about falling from the tree, but the outside world wasn't as he thought, but a beautiful place.

    See you later!!!

