Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oral Presentation Preparation

Next week we will organize and prepare our oral presentations (5-6 minutes long including questions). FIRST, choose what children's story you would like to talk about and write it in the comments. THEN, think about the following questions:

1. Who are the protagonists?

2. What is the plot?

3. What are some examples of alliteration, parallellism, etc...?

4. What is the theme or moral? For example, is it a typical "orphan with a desire for independence/security"? Or is it teaching kids something like the names of colors or that it's ok to be themselves? Etc...

5. Why do you like this story?
***Please bring a copy of the story to class if you can!!***


  1. Good evening:)It's Ayari.

    I chose a story "You Are Special" by Max Lucado.
    it's not only a heart-warming story, but also tells us important thing that we can't see in ordinary life.

    See you then!i'm struggling with mountains of reports and tests so far...:(

  2. Hi, Matt!

    I chose "The Night I Followed The Dog" for my presentation. This story is really funny that always makes me laugh.

    Oh my, why are there SO many exams!?
    I'll do my best...XO

    See you tomorrow!


  3. Hi,Matt!
    I feel much better this week!!I chose "The Old Man Who Loved Cheese" by Garrison Keillor.

    See you at Th5.

  4. Sorry for my second comment, Matt!
    I'm Sayaka.

    I forgot to write the author's name!
    This book is written by Nina Laden.

    See you then!

  5. good evening!
    this is Kazuki.

    My favorite is still "Jack and the Beanstalk." I'm heartily pleased to have opportunity to make a presentation on this masterpiece.

    see you tomorrow!

  6. Good night!
    This is Shota writing.

    I have many books I like, but my favorite one is "The Three Little Pigs" by Joseph Jacobs.

    Unfortunately, I have all the children's book at my home in Hiroshima and none right now, so maybe I'll change my topic.

    See you tomorrow!

  7. Hi!
    This is Akira.

    I think I have many English books somewhere in my house, but I only found some of them...
    Most of the books I found today were chapter books, but there were also some easy books which children can read.
    Tomorrow, I'll bring one of them.
    "Drawing Lessons from a Bear" by David McPhail.
    This is the book I chose.
    I think this book tells an inportant thing to children.

    See you tomorrow!

  8. Hi Matt! This is Satsuki.

    For my presentation, I chose "I Don't Want to Sleep Tonight" by Deborah Norville.
    A girl is afraid of sleeping by herself..until her father come and save her.
    I think this book is so much fun to read!

    See you at Th5!!


  9. Hi, Matt.
    This is Yoji.
    I chose "The Blue Seed",which is one of my favourite books. Although it's originally written in Japanese, fortunately I found the English version at the city library. The story is simple, but it tells us an important thing.

    See you!

  10. Hello Matt!!
    I chose "The Little House" by Virginia Lee Burton, which makes children think about an important problem.
    I'm sorry that I won't be able to bring it to the class today.
    I will try to find it in a library.
    See you later!!


  11. Hi, Matt!
    This is Naomi.

    For my oral report, I chose "Swimmy" by Leo Lionni. It's my favorite story.
    I'll bring the book and other Lionni's work today.

    It's been a long time since I attend the class last time!!

    See you later^^

    Naomi Ikemura

  12. hi matt oh i missed the part tt
    'write it in the comments'.

    well frankly, i dun like fairy tales that much.. and the worst thing is i didnt(couldnt!!!) choose which story would be the best>.< terribly sorry.. Mother goose is not a story, serched it slightly tho.. but i promise,!!will make up my mind soon, definitely!

    :( i dunno why but i dont feel well..
    anw, see you very soon!


  13. Hi Matt.
    I think I'm the last usual><;

    I chose the book "Skyfire" by Frank Asch.
    This book had been completely forgotten by me until I found it last night in my sisters dust covered bookshelf. When I saw the cover,I remembered it was my favorite story and I read it like hundreds of times when I was little!

    See you later.

