Monday, January 31, 2011

Please answer the following questions in the comments (you can do it anonymously). Thanks!

1. What was your favorite activity or topic this semester? What did you want to do more of?
2. What activity or topic did you not like? What did you want to do less of?
3. Will you continue studying English next semester?


  1. Hi Matt!
    Here are my answers to your questionnaire.

    1.I liked most of the topics, but what I especially liked was diseases and children's literatures.

    2.Everything was fine! Nothing to complain of!

    3.Of course I will.

    See you this Thursday!

    from a Chinese-major student

  2. Thanks for the comment! You are a Chinese major? Hmmmm... I wonder which one... ;)

  3. Hi Matt,

    1. I enjoyed all the topics we have done. Talking over different kinds of themes in English was fun!

    2. Same as the person(?)above ;D

    3. Yes, I will. I thought I should study harder because I was surprised at how well the first graders(and Choi!)in your class were at English!! Also I was very very happy to be able to participate in YOUR English class!!!

    see you tomorrow :D

  4. Good morning Matt.

    1. My favorite activity was the discussion about innovations. I wanted to do more debate on current news.

    2. Everything was fine!

    3. Of course! I love English.

    From a Chinese major student S.Y.

  5. hi matt!

    1 I liked children's literature.

    2 Same as all the people above!

    3 Yes:) To tell the truth, I didn't like speaking English so much before I attended your class.. but now I love English! Thankyou;D

    From a Deutsch major student

  6. Hi, Matt!

    1. All of the topics were interesting, but I liked children's literature the most. And my favorite activity was brain storming. I really enjoyed it!

    2. Same as people above! I enjoyed your class very much!

    3.Of course!

    Finally, thank you so much this semester, Matt!!! Every week I was looking forward to attend your class. Even if I couldn't take your class next semester, I hope there're chances to talk with you again! XD

    See you later! ;D

    From a Chinese major student

  7. Hello Matt!!

    1. I enjoyed all topics but "Cubism" was especially interesting! everybody did a very nice presentation about an artist or an art movement. That was fun.

    2. I have no complaints about the class.

    3. Of course I will! I want to study English harder to be able to speak fluently!!

    I'm going to the last class of this year...
    See you there!!

  8. hi, it's Ayari!
    sorry for my late comment...

    1.i enjoyed the topic about cubism and children's literature. sharing various opinions on artistic themes were so much fun!

    2. to tell the truth, it was hard for me to handle the topic "forest fires". it took time to come up with different ideas from what others said.

    3. in order to take your class in English-C, i'll take B-class next year!, just kidding, i'll take the class for keeping up my English. and i hope i can.

    i was super lucky for being this class;)
    have a wonderful vacation!
