Thursday, July 1, 2010

More art!

Look at the list of art movements HERE. Have a look around and tell us something interesting you find in the comments.


  1. Hi Matt! This is Satsuki.
    It sure is hot these days, isn't it?

    I looked at the list of art movements, and what I found it the most interesting was pop art. These pictures express the modern mass-consuming society, and they sure are modern. I am recently interested in these paintings.

    I am looking forward to our next class!
    See you!


  2. Hi Matt! This is Shota writing.
    I can't stand the humid weather these days.

    I had a look at some art movements and I thought that Fauvism was interesting. These art works are characterised by wild brush work and vivid colors and their subject matter were simple and abstract. Also, this movement only lasted about three years!

    I can't wait till next class!


  3. Hi! This is Shota writing.
    I can't stand the humid weather these days.

    I had a look at some of the art movements and though that Fauvism was interesting. These art works were drawn by wild brush work and vivid colors and their subject matters were simple and abstract. Also, this movement only lasted about 3 years!

    I can't wai till next class!


  4. Hi Matt! This is Shota writing.
    I can't stand the humid weather these days.

    i had a look at some of the art movements and thought that Fauvism was interesting. These artworks are drawn by wild brush work and vivid colors are used. The subject matters are simple and abstract. Also, this movement only lasted about 3 years!

    See you next class!


  5. Hi Matt! This is Shota writing.
    I can't stand the humid weather these days.

    i had a look at some of the art movements and thought that Fauvism was interesting. These artworks are drawn by wild brush work and vivid colors are used. The subject matters are simple and abstract. Also, this movement only lasted about 3 years!

    See you next class!


  6. Hi Matt! This is Shota writing.
    I can't stand the humid weather these days.

    i had a look at some of the art movements and thought that Fauvism was interesting. These artworks are drawn by wild brush work and vivid colors are used. The subject matters are simple and abstract. Also, this movement only lasted about 3 years!

    See you next class!


  7. Hi Matt! This is Shota writing.
    I can't stand the humid weather these days.

    i had a look at some of the art movements and thought that Fauvism was interesting. These artworks are drawn by wild brush work and vivid colors are used. The subject matters are simple and abstract. Also, this movement only lasted about 3 years!

    See you next class!


  8. Hi Matt! This is Shota writing.
    I can't stand the humid weather these days.

    i had a look at some of the art movements and thought that Fauvism was interesting. These artworks are drawn by wild brush work and vivid colors are used. The subject matters are simple and abstract. Also, this movement only lasted about 3 years!

    See you next class!


  9. Hi Matt! This is Shota writing.
    I can't stand the humid weather these days.

    i had a look at some of the art movements and thought that Fauvism was interesting. These artworks are drawn by wild brush work and vivid colors are used. The subject matters are simple and abstract. Also, this movement only lasted about 3 years!

    See you next class!


  10. Hi Matt! This is Shota writing.
    I can't stand the humid weather these days.

    i had a look at some of the art movements and thought that Fauvism was interesting. These artworks are drawn by wild brush work and vivid colors are used. The subject matters are simple and abstract. Also, this movement only lasted about 3 years!

    See you next class!


  11. Hi Matt! This is Shota writing.
    I can't stand the humid weather these days.

    i had a look at some of the art movements and thought that Fauvism was interesting. These artworks are drawn by wild brush work and vivid colors are used. The subject matters are simple and abstract. Also, this movement only lasted about 3 years!

    See you next class!


  12. Hi Matt! This is Shota writing.
    I can't stand the humid weather these days.

    i had a look at some of the art movements and thought that Fauvism was interesting. These artworks are drawn by wild brush work and vivid colors are used. The subject matters are simple and abstract. Also, this movement only lasted about 3 years!

    See you next class!


  13. Hi Matt! This is Shota writing.
    I can't stand the humid weather these days.

    i had a look at some of the art movements and thought that Fauvism was interesting. These artworks are drawn by wild brush work and vivid colors are used. The subject matters are simple and abstract. Also, this movement only lasted about 3 years!

    See you next class!


  14. Good evening Matt!

    Some of the artists in Art Nouveau and Impressionism were interesting. Personally I like Alphonse Mucha's paintings, since the decorative flowers and many other plants matches the thin lines of various women he draws.
    Many of the artists from Impressionism are ones familiar from World History which I studied for the University entrance exam. They're all wonderful, so I cannnot choose which artist or art movement to write a report on yet...

    See you tomorrow!!

    Misaki Yada

  15. Hi Matt This is Takuma
    I hope a day would be longer...

    I had a small look at the term postmodern in the Internet and found an interesting interpretaton of postmodern. The person said that postmodern is a tme when people lost a common idea everyone had altogether before. Nothing is absolute in this world and everything(this is said that goes way far away) is relative.
    I like something sounds cool so I choose postmodernism as an interesting movement.

  16. Wow Shota - that's a lot of comments!! Ha ha ha!

    I think something is wrong because Ayari said she couldn't leave a comment...

  17. Hi, Matt! This is Yoji.

    I found that Surrealism was interesting. Those works' subjects are real things, but they aren't representational and we need some imagination when we see the works.
    It is also intresting to me that the Surrealists' works have a similar mood to the works of Hieronymus Bosch, who is one of my favourite artists. Bosch is a Netherlandish painter who lived in mid-15C. Although the era he lived is much older than Surrealism, I found that his works had some elements of Surrealism.

    See you tomorrow!

  18. Hi Matt! This is Kazuki.

    I couldn't find it in the list though, I'm really interested in École de Barbizon among other movements because I personally like the works of Jean-François Millet. Not only Millet's works but also other arts of that genre are pretty detailed in d dipiction so I can imagine what people was like in those time.

    Then,see you tomorrow!

    I hope I can post it with no problem...

  19. Hi Matt! This is Kanoko.
    I found Superflat interesting. I think this movement brough conrovercy since it's so different from traditional arts. It's also intereting that this movement started in Japan.
    See you tomorrow^^!

  20. Hi, Matt! I'm Sayaka.
    Today was also a hot day, wasn't it?
    I heard cicada singing the day before, so I think summer is comming soon!

    I'm most interested in Impressionism. I'm fascinated by the relaxing coloring. Especially, the usage of blue is the most impressive. I was surprised to see such a beautiful and deep description of sky.
    Also, I like the atmosphere of each pieces. People's face expression and scenery is tender, and seemed more familiar than other movements' pieces.
    I hope I can learn more about this art movement!

    See you tomorrow!:D

  21. Hi,Matt: )This is CHOI.
    Sorry for late comment!

    Now I have looked over the Wiki and it was
    quite interesting. Frankly, I'm not a good 'painter' and I don't have an eye for art(unfortunately). However, I really like Romanticism&Realism art, cuz they are so sophiscated that I can watch pieces without thinking - they are just look like pictures.
    The artists who belonged to these movements depicted things very detailed and their paintings are very impressive to me.

    Anyway, I'm really sorry for the late post: (
    See you soon!

  22. Hi,Matt! This is Naomi.

    I like Neo-classicism and Romanticisim. They are really beautiful. I have seen some of them in textbooks.

    I thought that Superflat was interesting. It was founded by a Japanese artist! I did not know about it.

    See You!

    Naomi Ikemura
