Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cubism is Crazy!

Watch this short video about the history of cubism HERE. In the comments, please tell us what you thought was interesting!


Also, are you thinking about your topic for the last report??????????


  1. Hi,this is Ayari.
    I wish I could post my comment this time...

    The video was so fun!!I laughed so much in front of my computer:)
    I was surprised to see the building that was effected by the cubism, which appeared in the latter part. It looked twisted...Could people enter inside the building and work there? I want to know where it locates, and in what way the building is used.

    As for the report, I'm considering to research the life of Walt Disney and how it influenced after age. But, it seems this requires a lot of time to spend, so if I got occupied with a lot of reports and tests, I might change the topic...
    I'll try to make my time, though!

    Good night!!

  2. Hi Matt, this is Satsuki.
    Today I had an Eiken interview test. I was very nervous, but felt relieved when I found out that the interviewer was Japanese!

    What I thought it interesting about the video was the process of a picture becoming abstract. The picture of a cow(!?) was unidentifiable at last!

    As for the report, I am thinking of choosing an intersting-looking art movement, and research about it throughly. I think I will mainly write about artworks and artists.

    I'll see you on your next class!
    See you!


  3. Hello, Matt! This is Noya.
    I am so sick and tired of this rainy days!!!

    Well, I've been thinking that Cubism is a style of painting that is incomprehensible to people like me, so I was surprised to know there are varieties of things that are affected by it like music, architecture, video games or food... Yes. Cubism is absolutely CRAZY!

    I am thinking of doing my report about "KAGAYA". He is a Japanese artist and I like his paintings.

    See you on Thursday.

  4. hi this is Takaaki

    Itwas intering to know that cubism was inspired by primitive arts in asia.

    I am thinking of my report theme to be something about Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez

  5. Hi, Matt!! This is Sayaka.
    The video was SO interesting!! I love this kind of videoXD

    I was interested in Synthetic cubism. The idea of uniting Cubism with collage were seemed so fresh and fashionable! I laughed a lot when I saw the word after introducing this movement saying: "CRAAAZZYYY!"
    I was also interested in Cubism-influenced architecture. Is this kind of architecture safe in the case of facing natural calamity like the earthquake?
    By the way, about the report, I haven't decided clearly what topic I would choose yet. But probably I'm going to research about Impressionism or architecture infuenced by Cubism.
    I looking forward to seeing you on thursday!
    Good night!


  6. Hi Matt! This is Shota writing. I'm really sorry for posting so many comments last week.

    It was such a nice video that I saw it again and again. I was surprised to know that Cubism influenced many things except art, such as food and music.

    I'm thinking of doing a report on "Ishida" who is a Japanese artist, but I might change my mind.

    See you on Thursday!

    Shota Yamaki

  7. Hi Matt! This is Yoji. I hope that this rainy season will end soon. My dog is also tired of these rainy days because she can't go for a walk on rainy days.

    The video was very interesting. I didn't know that Cubism had a great impact on many other things such as architecture or music. I want to lisen to the music which was influenced by Cubism.

    I'm thinking of doing my report about "Matazo Kayama". He is a "Nihon-ga", (or traditional Japanese style painting) painter and famous for many magnificent artworks.

    See you on Thursday!

  8. Hi, Matt This is Takuma
    I was surprised to know that the founders of cubism was influenced by folk art(do you use "foilk art"?), like african masks.
    It was interesting for me to know that the brand new style was created from the old styles.
    As for the report, I haven't come up with ANYTHING! Please help me, please...

  9. Good afternoon Matt:)
    Today I ate crepes with my friends. There's a nice crepe stall near TUFS, did you know that??

    The video about cubism was quite interesting! The narrator's voice was clear and understandable. Anyway, it's amazing HOW Picasso and Black had come up to arranging pictures into their style. I see some wierd skyscrapers that might have been influenced by cubism in places like Harajuku and Omotesando.

    For the final report, I would probably like to write about Alphonse Mucha. Maybe I'd change...

    See you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Hi Matt! This is Kazuki.
    We've met twice or more this week, haven't we?

    The video was totally amusing! Though he couldn't understand English much,my dad also said it was fun. By the way, It was the pictures of bull that I liked most. How it is fragmented and finally become Cubism-like form was really interesting for me.

    As for my final report, I'd like to write about Jean-François Millet but there seems to be not much argument over him so I'm not sure I can make exciting one...

    Anyway,see you tomorrow!

  11. Hi,Matt! This is Naomi.

    I'm not the last one to post the comment this time! Yay!

    The video was fun! I didn't know that this kind of video was on YOUTUBE.
    The scene which a picture of a cow gradually turned into a cubist art was interesting!

    I want to write about statues of Buddha (bustuzo) for my final report.
    However,if the topic should be related to paintings,I will change my topic.

    See you tomorrow!

    Naomi Ikemura

  12. Hi, Matt.
    This is Akira.

    I was doing my research for the presentation for the Chinese class...
    Also, I'm doing the report of a language called "SHINJA-RONJA".
    I think this is a language which Professor Kazama (a professor of TUFS) made by himself.
    I haven't finished it yet...
    I wonder if I could go to bed tonight...

    It was SO interesting to know how the painters drew the cubism art!
    I thought it was a hard work to draw the same kinds of pictures again and again!

    About the next report, I haven't chosen what to do...
    I have to think of something immediately!

    See you at the class!

    Akira Takahashi

  13. Hello,Matt.
    This is CHOI.
    omg I totally forgot writing comment:(

    The video was full of fun.
    Most of all, I like the narrator's voice
    (I dunno why'-'). And it tells about real
    life's cubism. Frankly, when I hear the word 'cubism', unfamiliar (like Picasso:(!)things first come to my mind.
    But it explains about the cubism both clearly and interestingly.

    And, the subject of my last presentation is
    Lady GaGa.I'm not sure whether you might like this or not...But I've already written about her,so please excuse my weird(?)paper. lol

    Then,see u soon. Bye:)

  14. Hi Matt!
    This is Kanoko.
    Sorry I got late posting again!

    I liked the video. It was so funny.
    I didn't know cubists got their ideas from native arts. Come to think of it, those two type of arts look so alike.
    Also, it was interesting how cubism influenced stuff like music,video games..and so on.

    On the final report, I'm thinking of writing about superflat!

    See you later!
