Thursday, June 24, 2010

Art and Defining Cubism

Our next unit's topic is about art - focusing on cubism. Please look at these examples of different kinds of art and tell us which ones you think require a lot of skill and which ones do not require any skill to make. Which ones seem original? Which ones seem like fashion?

p.s. I had a GREAT time last night with you guys! And CONGRATULATIONS Nippon!!!!!


  1. Good morning, Matt!It's Ayari.
    I watched the World Cup game:)

    I think Bansky's painting requires a lot of technique, because his/her artworks looks like they are really alive. I've heard before that Bansky never appears in front of the people, and this is one of the reason why I think he/she is great.
    I choose Taxali's painting as least skill requiring art, since his illustration is childish to me.
    I like this kind of assignment very much!
    I'm looking forward to the next class!!


  2. Good morning, Matt! This is Akira.
    I was also watching the World Cup.
    I'm glad Japan won!

    I'm so sleepy now...
    Maybe I'm gonna sleep at school during the class...

    I think Bansky's paintings (←isn't the name "Banksy"?) need a lot of technique. Some of the paintings look like photos!
    Taxali's paintings seem to be like child's drawing, so I think his paintings don't need so much skills.
    McPherson's paintings seem to be original to me, since they are mysterious.
    None of their art look like fashion to me, or perhaps this is just because I have no interest in fashion...

    The dinner last night was so fun, wasn't it?
    Let's do it again!

    See you next week!!


  3. Hi Matt, this is Satsuki!
    The dinner the day before yesterday was great, wasn't it?
    Today I just had a reunion with my high school classmates. It was great fun!!!

    I think Monet's paintings require much skills, because his pictures look so much picturesque. I wonder how to make them look real.
    I chose Taxali's picture as the least skill required, because I think that his works are so childish that even small children can copy them.

    See you on our next class!


  4. Good morning Matt! This is Shota writing. I'm looking forward to Japan's next game against Paraguay.

    I think Monet's paintings require a lot of skill because his paintings looked like photos and the pond was painted in many colors to make it look real.

    I have no right to criticize others' art works because I'm bad at drawing. However, I think Taxali's works requires no skill. They look like drawings of comics and I think someone who is good at drawing can draw something similar to those.

    Paintings drawn by Ishida seemed original to me. The reason is that each of the paintings seemed to have a message to the modern society.

    Warhol's paintings seemed like fashion to me since many vivid colors such as pink were used and they were attractive.

    See you Thursday!


  5. hi matt this is takuma
    it is very interesting to see art

    well, for me taxali's work seems to require the least skill
    his work seems to be able to get if i go to department store and bu a t-shirt
    i wavered, still wavering actually, which is more skillful artist, banksy or monet.
    monet's paintings lead me to a world of dream.
    on the other hand, banksy paints so real pictures!
    personally, i prefer to banksy's style so i choose banksy as the most skillful artist in the list

  6. Hi, Matt. This is Yoji.
    I like to see arts, and I often go to art museums to see arts.
    I think that Monet's paintings requires a lot of skill because he expresses both light and shadow by using many colours and making proper use of them.
    On the other hand, I think that Taxali's works are a kind of fashion rather than art. Although Taxali's works are cool, it seems that little skill is required to make that kind of works.

    See you tomorrow!

  7. Hi,Matt:0This is CHOI.
    I'm so sorry that I miss the supper:(
    Anyway, I think the most skillful one is Monet's. Of course, I like his pieces because it depict(usually)beautiful scenes and they are so sophisticated. Taxali's ones look like simple(at least for me..). And, the most original one is Picasso, and Warhol's pieces are really fashionable:)

    Actually, I don't have much interests for art(, but your class would be exciting,I think:)
    Then, see u tmr!

  8. Hi, Matt! It's Noya.
    Gee...Japan lost in penalty kicks......

    It was very fun to see many paintings drawn by artists that I don't know.
    I think Monet's art requires lots skill. I actually saw his art just 10 days before at the exhibition of Boston museum in Roppongi and was really impressed by subtle shades of color that he creates. I really like his art.
    Khaisman's art seems original and interesting to me since he just uses similar colors and shapes. He should be creative and unique person.
    As many mentioned above, I also think Taxali's art requires least skill. They look childish and I cannot understand what is good about.

  9. Good evening Matt!

    Actually I love enjoying looking at different kinds of paintings, and last time when I went to France and Germany, I've seen various kinds of them.
    I think all the painters that you've listed above needs skills in a certain way, but perhaps・・・maybe Warhol's, Taxali's, and McPherson's paintings might be a little more simple and requires less technique than the rest. In contrast, paintings like Monet's and Bronzino's requires more skill. They have more vivid and has plenty of colors.
    Picasso's, McPherson's, and Ishida's paintings(especially Tetsuya Ishida!)are novel. They might require less skill to paint, but needs a lot of conception. In that sense, I think they are the true "artists", which I think of people who has special ways of thinking. Ishida's paintings are very very surreal and original. Barr's paintings are fashionable and his paintings looks like ones that are hanged in coffee shops like Starbucks and Tully's.(By the way I work at Tully's as a part time job)

    See you tomorrow!!!!!!
    Misaki Yada

  10. Hi Matt. This is Kazuki.
    Sorry for late posting. Guess what, I made a lot of new friends this week:friends from Kenya and Rwanda, friends of TUFS and other universities...I'd like to tell you about that tomorrow.

    Anyway,being terrible at drawing, I feel really timid to evaluate the great works, though. In my opinion, the arts which require a lot of skill are those of Picasso, Bronzino, Monet. I thought these works are detailed in depiction and are full of creativity. On the other hand, Warhol and Barr's paintings seem like just a fashion. They're, as it were, only eye-friendly. Finally, I felt Ishida's works to be original but I'm afraid I have a mental block about them...

    Then, see you tomorrow!!

  11. Hi, Matt! This is Sayaka.
    I'm really looking forward to study about art in this class because I was the member of the art club when I was a highschool student, and I like to see and draw paintings a lot(my drawing was awful, though...)!
    Well, in my opinion, Banksy's paintings require skills the most. His(Her?) drawing of people seems so real and detailed. Moreover, he(she) makes good use of the existent scenery or graffiti and completes the pieces, instead of erasing those. However, Taxali's pieces seems not to be required special skills. From his(her) work, I couldn't figure out WHY did he(she) make it(I'm very sorry, Taxali), and I felt the art can be completed by some kind of caprice. Picasso's art is very original. He tried to represent three-dimensional motif in two-dimensional medium, and that way of thinking itself seems fresh to me. Warhol's art seems like copy of something, but I loved the coloring balance. So I chose Warhol's art for the most fasionable one.

    See you tomorrow!XD


  12. Hi, Matt!! This is Naomi.
    Sorry My comments are always late...

    I really wanted to go to the dinner last week!
    I hope I can go next time.

    I like all of the works and respect the artists!

    I think Khaisman's works are original and require a lot of skill. There aren't many people who think of drawing pictures with only brown tapes. To create things which is new is a hard work.
    From this point of view, I feel that Warhol's works are fashion and do not require much skill.

    See you later!

    Naomi Ikemura
