Thursday, June 3, 2010

Forest Fires Part II

Read these two opinions about building houses in wildfire areas then tell us your reaction in the comments.
"People should never be allowed to build in places that are in danger of wildfires. Too many people die, including firefighters. The taxpayers have to pay for a large firefighting department. When the houses are destroyed, the insurance companies have to pay. Why build there when you know it will be destroyed eventually? After the fires here last year, the police, fire department, scientists and survivors all recommended the government to discourage people from rebuilding homes in the area."
Kay S., Melbourne
"If you say we can't build in the forests, then next it will be that you can't build near the beach because of tsunamis... or in Oklahoma because of tornados... or maybe everyone will have to leave Japan because of the earthquakes! Don't be silly, be smart. There are many ways to prevent disaster through forest management and fire prevention."
Mel G., Strath Lake


  1. Hello Matt^^

    The two passages tells opposite opinions, but I agree more to Mel G's. Natural disasters can occur anywhere. One cannnot live anywhere if they keep worrying about them.
    People who wants to live in a forested area must have awareness though, that forest fire may happen by there carelessness.
    Also there should be a population balance of people living in forests and somewhere else, because too many people living in forests might cause interface fires.

    See you in next class!!

  2. Hi, Matt!
    These two opinions are both persuasive, but I agree with Mel G's. I think it's too much to say that people should "never" be allowed to live in places which are in danger of wildfires. It's true that the loss when a forest fire occurs is very large. However, people have to keep living with natural disaters no matter where we live. Therefore, it doesn't really matter if we live near a forest or not.
    What's important is how we prevent the damage to the least.

    I'll be looking forward to your next class!


  3. Hi, Matt! I'm Sayaka.
    I can't tell which comment is right or wrong, but I agree with Mel G.'s opinion.
    I think Kay S.'s claim is also reasonable, but I can't agree with the idea of government's discouragement. I think the government should not be allowed to force people where to live in and where not to live in. People must have their right to choose their favorite place to build their houses.
    As Mel G. says, there are many possibilities of natural disasters everywhere in the world. People are making many ideas to deal with those disasters and living happily now. It can be said to the case of living in the forest. The important thing is not "to choose where they live in", but "to deal with the problems where they live in has".

    I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next class!!;D


  4. Hi,Matt!It's Ayari.
    I understand how Kay S. feels in terms of danger of fires, but I think the government should not forbid citizens to build houses in the forests. Instead, the governments should concentrate more on establishing rules which people who plan to live inside the forest would have to follow.
    Just like Mel G. said, we should try to think of preventing natural disasters instead of limiting residential areas.

    See you on Thursday!


    P.S. "Zum Wohl!" means "Cheers!" in English. I hope this helps:)

  5. Hi, Matt! This is Yoji.

    I can understand Kay.S's opinion to some extent, but I agree with Mel G's opinion. As Mel G says, if the government forbid citizens to live in the areas which have potential for danger, the place we can live will disappear. I believe that the most important thing for us is to cope with the trouble we have and seek to hold the damage to the minimum. Aberting our eyes from natural disasters is not a civilized way to improve our life.

    I'm looking forward to your next class!

  6. Hello, Matt. This is Choi.

    I think it is the best if we do not build any house in the forest, however, we cannot force to do like that. Because of growing population, there is not enough space for residence, so we have to use some areas even if it might be dangerous.
    So, I agree with Mel G. But, I also think that we should realize how the forest fires would be dangerous for human and pay enough attention to prevent them.

    See you on Thu, Bye:)

  7. Hi Matt! This is Satsuki writing.

    I think both are right in many ways, but I agree more with Mel G. If the government forbids to build house near the forests, then there would be no freedom of living where you want to live. We can't live anywhere if there's a regulation. Just as Mel G. said, there are many ways to prevent forest fires, or any other disasters than avoid living in places where there are disasters.

    See you tomorrow!


  8. Hi Matt! This is Kazuki. I'm sorry for being late.

    Both opinions make sense to me, but Mel's one seems to be more constructive than Kay's in that the former gives us possible ways to improve the situation. According to the "Protecting Your Home from Forest Fire" ,linked from above, fire prevention is probably effective to a fairy large extent.

    See you tomorrow.


  9. Добрый вечер (good evening), Matt
    I agree with the opinion below, because people should be able to decide where to live.
    I feel strange to hear that because it will be burden for firefighters, police... to support the wildfire government should persuade its people not to live near forest.
    It is their job to protect people's freedom and lives. This is why I advocate the opinion below.

  10. Good evening, Matt!!
    This is Akira.

    I can understand Kay's opinion, but I can't agree with it.
    People should have the rights to choose where to live. Also, if the government forbid people to live in the dangerous places, I think most people in japan have to move to other places, since there are many earthquakes in Japan.
    It is better for the government to prevent disaster than to forbid people to live in areas where disaster can happen.

    I'm so sleepy now, but I have to do my homework...
    I think I'll give a big yawn tomorrow (today).

    See you later.

  11. Hi, Matt!
    This is Noya and I almost forgot to do my homework:P

    I understand forestfires are much more dangerous than I expect they are, however, it goes too far to forbit people to live in places that are in danger of wildfires. As Mel G. says, disasters can happen anywhere at any time so what is important is to protect against them.

    See you soon!!

  12. Hi, Matt!
    This is Naomi.

    I agree with Mel G. There are no places where it is completely safe in this world. I think we should find ways to cope effectively with disasters rather than escaping from them.

    See you!
    Naomi Ikemura
