Thursday, May 27, 2010

Forest Fires

Some fires were more than 100 meters high

Next week we will start a new unit about forest fires. One of the worst was in February 2009 when 400 fires broke out in the forests surrounding Melbourne, Australia. Five towns were destroyed, 2000 houses burned down and 173 people died with more than 400 people injured. The fires left more than 7500 homeless.

This fire started a debate about whether people should build houses in or near forests.

The fires moved at 140km an hour. People in cars could not escape.

Please answer ONE of the questions in the comments.

1. Are there ever forest fires in Japan? Have you heard of a disaster like this?

2. If you have been to Australia, did you go to a place that was in danger of fires?

3. Do you think people should not build their houses in or near forests? Why?



  1. Hi,Matt!This is Ayari writing.I really enjoyed today's game we did in class:)

    I'll answer on Question No.2.
    I've visited in Australia for once, and stayed in a cottage inside forest. Though the cottage was surrounded by trees, my family and I couldn't find any fire extinguisher around there, so we decided to move on to another lodge managed by different company.I think it's dangerous not to set the extinguisher in case of emergencies.
    Did I answered correctly?

    See you on next class!Good night!!

  2. Hi Matt! This is Satsuki writing.
    Today I came back from the Chinese-class orientation camp. We had a great time, but I missed you and your class very much!!

    I will answer question No.3.
    I think we should build houses in or near forests, because forests provide better environment(fresh air,etc.) than cities.
    Forest fire occur because of people's carelessness. Everyone in or near forests should make sure if they have extinguished completely after using fire. I hope that forests would be a safer place to live in the near future.

    I can't wait for your next class!
    See you!


  3. Hi Matt! This is Shota.
    I came back from the orientation trip today. It was a very enjoyable time for me, but I was sad to miss yesterday's class.
    I will answer question No.3.
    I think people shouldn't build much houses in or near forests because if a forest fire occurs, the fire will spread so fast that it will burn all the houses gathered around there in a short time. Moreover, residents have little chance of surviving.
    I'm looking forward to your next class.

  4. Hi, Matt! This is Yoji. I really enjoyed the last class.

    I will answer question1.
    In Japan, there is a traditional agricultural event called 'Noyaki'. People burn the dead grass in the field in early spring in order to make farmland and use the ashes as a kind of fertiliser.
    Usually, they do it very carefully. However, when the fire accidentally catches the wood or forest around the field, it will turn into a disaster. I remember that there are some fires caused by 'Noyaki' in the last few years.
    Although there are some forest fires in Japan, I have never heard of grave forest fires like the case in Australia you mentioned above. Probably it is because of climate and the spread of forests.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next class. Bye!

  5. Hi,Matt! This is Noya.
    I will answer question No.3.
    My answer to the question is NO.
    People can build their houses in or near forests If they greatly pay attentions when they use fires in a dry environment.
    It is absurd not to build houses in or near forests just because of the fear of forest fires. We might have fires or earthquakes when we live even in cities and I think that forest fires rarely break out.
    See you on Thursday !!

  6. Hi Matt! This is Kazuki. A little long time no see!

    I'm going to answer No.3.
    First of all, I don't think people should not build their houses in or near forests. In my opinion, it's up to those who want to live there so we'd better not insist that they live far away from the forest, merely because there has been a lot of incidents. There should be some reasons they choose there in spite of great danger. Anyway, I suppose we should think about following two things: why they prefer living there and how to prevent forest fires.
    I'm looking forward to talking about this topic. Then, see you the day after tomorrow!


  7. Hi,Matt:) This is Choi.

    I will answer the first question.
    Unfortunately, I'm not sure that whether Japan has problem with forest fires or not, however, especially on the spring, the forest fires are serious problem in Korea. The spring of Korea is very dry, so the forest fires break out easily.

    Though, we had several forest fires in every year, but I think I've never seen the forest fire that inflict such↑ damages. Of course, there were damage cases like an old historic temple was burnt down because of forest fire, but I think there was no case that completely had destroyed residential area.

    I'm sorry to write about the forest fires in Korea(You said 'Japan', but I couldn't find out anything!). Anyway, See you on Thursday, Bye:D

  8. Hi, Matt. This is Takuma. The Russian class orientation was very enjoyable, but talking all-night two successive days was enough to beat me.
    Well, I will answer to no.1. There are many forest fires in Japan (according to a web site, I did not to anything about forest fire;very ashamed) and they have been occurring on and off.
    Very looking forward to seeing you in class!

  9. Hi everybody~

    I'm glad you guys had a good orientation, but we missed you too much!! :)

    I have never heard of forest fires in Korea or Japan, so I was surprised. In Oklahoma, we don't have forests, but we do have "grass fires". They move very quickly, but they rarely kill anybody.

    Anyway, see you tomorrow!!!

  10. Hi, Matt!! This is Sayaka.
    Sorry for my late comment...
    I had a great time in Nagano, but I missed you so much!!

    I will answer to the question no.3.
    I think people should not build so much houses near or in the forest to prevent such an awful accident.
    People can't live without fire in daily lives. It means, the more people live in the forest, the stronger the possibilities that the forest fire occurs will be. To protect limited nature and animals, we should limit the activities to use fire in the forest as few as possible, I think.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!XD

    Good night!

  11. Hi, this is Akira.

    Today (yesterday?), it was a boat tournament.
    Boys of the Chinese class was the third!!
    I thought it was amazing.
    After that, we went to Shinjuku and drank alcohol...
    Most people was drunk, of course including Shota and Kazuki...

    I think it's OK for people to build houses in or near the forests.
    The possibility of causing a fire is very low, so it's OK if each people become careful enough.

    See you at next class!!

  12. Good morning, Matt! This is Naomi.

    I will answer question no.1
    I have heard of forest fires occurred in Japan a few times, but I think they wasn't terrible as the Australia's case. I heard that one of the reason of forest fires in Japan is cigarettes thrown away by travelers.

    See you later !!

    Naomi Ikemura

  13. Hello Matt, this is Misaki.

    The suspect game(?) we've played last week was very fun, and thank you for letting me introduce to the class!!

    I will answer to Q1:

    I have heard of forest fires in Japan, but I have heard much more news on forest fires in California; where I lived. Here are several reasons why I think this thing happens:

    1. careless handling of fire(ex:throw away cigarettes that still has fire, cooking fire, etc.)

    2. dry conditions in the fire during winter

    3. slash and burn farming

    See you later!!^^

  14. Super comments everybody!
    And welcome back to class Misaki~
    I can't wait to hear about the orientations, the boat race and the party in Shinjuku!

    See you this afternoon!!!
