Thursday, May 6, 2010

Homework for May 13th

You guys did a great job today!

This week please research your topic and bring the information to class. First try researching on the Internet, then try the school library, your city library and city hall. You also might be able to use interviews and/or surveys to get information.

In the comments, please tell me what topic you chose for our reports.

See you!


  1. Hi, Matt! I'm Sayaka Kasuya.

    I've decided to research about my city's crime rate for my presentation topic.
    I want to know what kind of crime rate is the highest, and think the solution for it.
    I also want to research what kind of effort does my home city is doing toward reducing the crime, if it's possible.

    If necessary, I might use the phone to ask the city about further information, but probably I mainly use the Internet or the library in this research.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next class! See you!


  2. Hi Matt! This is Satsuki Sato.
    Are you having a nice weekend? I do!

    I chose "World's famous city planners" as my topic for the report. First, I will research about 3 to 5 famous city planners in the major countries such as China, the U.S., France, and so on. Then I'll research about their accomplishments on making better cities.

    I can't wait for your next class!
    See you then!!


  3. Hello,Matt!This is Ayari Kure.
    For the topic,I am going to research about which city and the country is the safest in Germany,Austlia,or Switzerland.These countries speak Germany as a national language,so I thought it is interesting to investigate them since I am majoring Germany.
    I'll try to get many information as much as I can!Bye:)


  4. Hi, Matt!
    This is Noya and I want to do my research about which city is the safest and which city is the most dangerous in the world and why they are.
    I think it would be interesting to know about them and I am also looking forward to seeing other students' presentation.
    See you next week.

  5. Hello,Matt. This is Choi:)
    I chose my topic as how to prevent(or stop) the crimes. I will research the ways that make people stop commiting the crimes.

    Then, see you on Thu. Bye:9

  6. Hi,Matt! This is Naomi
    The topic I chose is this!

    City planning around the world

    I hope I can find some interesting plans.
    See you!

    Naomi Ikemura

  7. Hi Matt! This is Kazuki.
    The topic is...

    Tokyo,the overpopulated city

    Mainly I'm going to explore following three things.

    ・How Tokyo had become congested
    ・Some bad effects on Japanese society & economy
    ・How to solve this problem

    See you soon!

  8. Hi, Matt.
    This is Yoji.
    The topic I chose is 'Jane Jacobs'. I am going to research mainly about her idea of urban planning.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you on Thursday.

  9. Hi, Matt! This is Shota.
    Last class, I said that I was going to do the report on the comparison of the 3 places I've lived before, but there wasn't enough information so I think my topic will be "The safest and the most dangerous cities in America in 2009".
    Maybe my topic will change again according to the amount of information I can get.Please forgive me.
    See you next class!

  10. Thanks for your comments~ you guys have some really good ideas. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

  11. Hi Matt. This is Kanoko.
    I'm sorry I got late writing this!
    The topic I chose is how a park can make a city safe or dangerous, and the way of making it safe.
    See you tomorrow!

  12. Hi,Matt!
    This is Akira.
    Sorry for being late again...
    I was so busy with my club.
    I went to Shirako in Chiba and stayed there for three days (Friday~Sunday) to enter a competition of tennis.
    However,the result wasn't good...

    OK,so let me talk about what I'm trying to search.
    I'll search what kinds of crimes often happen in my hometown,and how can we prevent or decrease them.
    I think I can find a good data!

    See you tomorrow!

  13. hi, matt I'm tardy takuma! ...really sorry to be late...
    I'm going to research Ebenezer Howard because I was interested in his idea, garden city
    I'm really looking forward to listening to the results of others' research
    see you tomorrow in class!

  14. No problem guys, you weren't late or tardy!!!

    See you this afternoon~
