Thursday, April 29, 2010

Presentation Topic Ideas

Next class we will choose our presentation topics. Here are some example ideas for you:

Crime rates in your hometown
Your ideas for making a safer city
A Japanese city planner
Jane Jacobs
Ebenezer Howard
Le Corbusier
Daniel Burnham
CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design)
Survey: Do TUFS students feel safe where they live?
The design of your hometown

These are examples, you can use one or change it or make your own topic.
In the comments please tell me of 2 topics that you might want to do your presentation about.

Have a great Golden Week!


  1. Hi, Matt.

    This is Noya and now I'm looking forward to Golden Week holidays!
    Well, I want to do my presentation about the comparison of the crime rates in my hometown, Tsukuba and those in Huchu City where I am living in now.
    I am also curious about where is the safest city or the most dangerouns city in the world and why they are. So this is my another topic idea.
    See you next time!!


  2. Hello,Matt!This is Ayari Kure.How have you been?

    For the topic ideas,I'm considering to research "Le Corbusier" and "when was the highest crime rates in my hometown and why".If these ideas are inappropriate,I'll look for another topic again so please tell me.
    I can't wait for the next class!Bye:)


  3. Hi,Matt! This is Satsuki Sato writing.

    One topic I am interested in is about famous city planners of the world. I would like to learn about planners not only in Japan but also in other countries and their accomplishments.
    Another topic is about the design of my hometown and the process of designing the town.

    I am looking forward to your next class! See you!


  4. Hi,Matt. This is Yoji Nagamori. How are you doing?

    For the presentation topic, I would like to research about Jane Jacobs. In the last class, we read an article about Jane Jacobs. I want to learn more about her opinions and methods for urban planning.
    Another topic is about the town I live. Especially, I am interested in the measures which have been taken in order to make my town safe.

    See you next time!

  5. Hi, Matt! How are you doing? This is Shota Yamaki. I'm enjoying my Golden Week very much.
    I'm thinking of doing a presentation on the most dangerous city and the safest city in Japan and in China since I'm learning Chinese. I'm also interested in comparing the crime rates and the safety measures taken in the 3 places I've lived before.
    See you on Thursday!

  6. Hello, Matt! I'm Sayaka Kasuya.
    I'm having quite busy golden week
    because I have to study for the small
    exams on Friday and I also have plans to
    meet friends...

    By the way, the first topic I'm interested in
    is about my home city--Machida's crime rate.
    I also want to know what kind of crime rate is
    the highest and the reason why.
    The second topic is about CPTED.
    I want to know how does it work, and I also
    want to know that whether Machida has any CPTED
    ideas or not.

    Have a nice golden week!
    See you on Thursday!


  7. Hi,Matt:) This is Choi. Are you enjoying your Golden Week holidays?

    Anyway, I finally find out that what I'm interested in, the first thing is the way to prevent crimes and the second thing is the crimes in my hometown.

    Then, see you on Thu.:P Bye!

  8. Hello this is Takaaki gotoh

    I'll like to choose

    Le Corbusier
    Daniel Burnham

    as my topics!

  9. Hello Matt!
    This is Kanoko writing.

    I am interested in what kind of influences parks have in cities and ways to make them safe.

    Also, I would like to know the crime rates in Tokyo.

    See you on Thursday.


  10. Hi,Matt!
    This is Akira.
    It's so hot everyday,isn't it?
    I have club activities (softtennis) almost everyday,so it's so tough...

    I'd like to do my presentation about my ideas for making a safer city.I think my hometown isn't so safe,so I chose this topic.
    My second idea is to talk about how we can protect ourselves from crimes.

    Only one day left,but have a nice holiday!!

  11. Hi,Matt! This is Kazuki.
    I'd like to talk about...

    overpopulated city
    my ideas for making a safer city

    See you tomorrow!

  12. Hi, Matt! This is Naomi.

    I want to make presentation about

    city planning around the world
    a Japanese city planner

    See You!

    Naomi Ikemura

  13. Wow - you guys have some good ideas! Thanks!

    Only one more day of Golden Week... I am sad, but also happy to see you again tomorrow!!!!

  14. Hello Matt, this is Misaki!
    Sorry for the late comment...

    I would like to do a presentation about:
    Crime rates in my hometown


    Making a safer city

    See you tomorrow in Th5!!

    Misaki Yada

  15. hello matt this is takuma masuto
    really sorry for being late to tell what i want to do for the next report
    i want to compare the crime rates in my home town, tokusima ,which is so-called countryside,
    with big cities, tokyo, osaka, kyoto or so
    or i'd like to know about Ebenezer Howard
    hope you have great holidays!
    see you tomorrow

  16. p.s. hope you HAD great holidays
    from takuma sorry i made a mistake lol
