Sunday, November 28, 2010

The last of the plague...

Next class is the last day we will have to talk about disease... I hope!
We will start with Quiz #4 over the words on pg 141. Then we will finish the listening from last class. Finally, we will look at and discuss some famous quotes coming from Camus' book The Plague.
In the comments, please tell us what vaccinations you've had.


  1. Hi everybody!
    I've had measles, hapatitis B, tetanus and Japanese encephalitis vaccinations. I usually get a flu shot each year too.
    I had the chicken pox when I was 21 years old - it was TERRIBLE!

  2. Hi everybody!

    oh god,
    where the hell is my mother's pocketbook??

    for this reason, as far as I remember now, I've got only one type of vaccination: a flu shot I got yesterday...

  3. Hello Matt!

    So far as I can remember, I've had:Japanese encephalitis, measles, mumps, diphteria, tetanus. Also I'm planning to get the vaccination for the influenza this year...

    See you next Thursday!

  4. ↑Misaki

    I'm so sorry I forget my name every time. X-{

  5. Hello, Matt! This is Satsuki.
    From yesterday I've been suffering from "noro virus"(I hope you can understand...), but now I feel much better!

    So far I have got vaccinations of flu, polio, tetanus, measles, parotitis, and tuberculin.
    In fact, I have got flu vaccinations every year from 7th grade to 11th(1st year of junior high to 2nd year of high school)! However, I didn't get it last year, and I don't think I'll get it this year, too.

    I'm sure I can come to your class this week!
    See you this Thursday!!


  6. Hi, Matt:)

    Oh gosh this is one of the most difficult hws that i have done..

    so far, ive had many vaccinations ..but i just cant remember.(sorry, am so stupid ..:( )
    The vaccination that i had most recently was
    measles. I had a shot because the foreign students division of TUFS required me.

    anw, see u in Thu class:DD


  7. Hi, Matt!

    According to my maternity record book, I've had tuberculin, mixture of whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, polio, measles, rubella, Japanese encephalitis and flu vaccinations.
    Wow, I haven't realized that I've had so many injections in my life! XD

    See you tomorrow!


  8. well,well,well

    the posting before Misaki's, in other words, next to Matt's one was mine.

    sorry for confusing you, Matt.


  9. Hi, Matt!
    I don't remember all the vaccinations I took, but I remember having flu, Japanese encephalitis and chicken pox vaccination.

    I need to get a flu shot soon before I catch one・・・

    Good night!

  10. Hi, Matt.

    I've had rubella, tetanus, measles, parotitis, tuberculin, polio, and Japanese encephalitis.
    I've also had flu vaccination last year, but I caught the flu actually. I hope that I'll not get the flu this year.

    See you!

  11. Good evening, Matt!
    I was writing my report for the economics...
    I'm so sleepy now...

    I've had vaccination for diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, Japanese encephalitis, and the flu.
    I've had most of them in America.
    Wow! I'm so surprised I've had so many kinds of vaccinations(^^;

    See you at the class!

  12. This is Takuma speaking. Are you catching my voice, Matt?
    First of all, I need to tell you that I've forgot almost all kinds of vaccination I've got and remenber only one kind. It's flu vaccination. I've got shot for flu almost every year so I can memorize. ...If you want to laugh at my poor memorization, laugh at it! and I will cry

  13. oops... I mean "cry"!!
    what's wrong with my English???

  14. Hi, Matt!
    This is Naomi.

    I've had measles, rabies, tetanus, and flue vaccinations.
    These are the vaccinations that I can recall as possible, but probably I've had more.

    See you later!

    Naomi Ikemura

  15. Hi Matt. This is Kanoko writing.

    I think I had many vaccinations but I can't remember any of them....except one, the flue vaccination that I got last year.

    See you later:)!!

  16. Hello, Matt!
    This is Noya.
    Well, my mother said before that I've had tetanus, measles and Japanese encephalitis vaccinations when I was little.
    As far as I can recollect, I've had flu vaccination last year!
    See you soon!!

  17. hey,it's Ayari!I'm alive. 20 minutes before the class:(

    I had tetanus, measules,and recently,influenza vaccine.
    sorry for the very short comment...
    see you then!
