Sunday, November 7, 2010

Infectious Disease

Our next topic is going to be about infectious disease! Hooray!! Sounds like fun, right? To get ready for the next class, please choose you favorite disease from below, look it up in Wikipedia and be prepared to tell us a little about it. In the comments please tell us which disease you chose so we can all get different ones (I'll do the disease no one chooses).
1. HIV
2. Tuberculosis
3. Chicken pox
4. Small pox
5. Whooping cough
6. Bronchitis
8. West Nile virus
9. Malaria
10. Measles
11. Tetanus
12. Meningitis
13. Hepatitis B
14. Bubonic plague
15. Rabies


  1. hi matt :) freezing cold lah
    anw we finally move into next lesson, yay~

    i wanna think abt #4 small pox

    den c u on Thu. take care ya,
    bye !

  2. hi, Matt
    it's so cold that I'm wearing my jacket in my house...

    I'll do the rabies
    I hope to be able to tell about it

    see you at the next class
    be careful not to catch a cold


  3. Hello, Matt!
    I'm very busy preparing for the school festival this week!!

    There were many names of diseases that I've never heard in English, but I choose "Meningitis" since I suffered from it when I was a little child.

    See you thursday!!

  4. Hi, Matt!

    I have a sore throat these days...
    Perhaps I caught a cold because of this
    freezing weather...

    I chose Malaria for my topic.
    I've learned about this disease a little when I reseached about UNICEF in junior high, so I want to know more about it.

    Please take care of yourself not to catch a cold!

    See you ;D


  5. Whooping cough
    sounds interesting

    By takaaki gotoh

  6. Hi, Matt.

    I chose SARS. (I haven't heard of it these days. Does it still exist...?)

    See you tomorrow.


  7. Hello Matt,

    I'll look for information of the West Nile virus.
    It's surely getting cold, but I like winter better ;-)Thank you for advising me for the Eiken exams! I hope I can do my best.

  8. ↑ from Misaki(sorry!)

  9. Hi Matt
    Sorry i couldnt go to class last week.
    Im all well now. Thankyou!
    Ill look up #3chicken pox.
    See you tomorrow!!

  10. ↑that was Kanoko
    I did the same mistake as Misaki!

  11. Hey, Matt:)
    my god! I almost forgot that tomorrow is Thursday!!!

    I'll choose tetanus, no.11 for my topic.

    I can't wait to see you tomorrow!
    Bye for now;)


  12. good evening sir. this is kazuki.


    this is what i've wanted to talk about since i was 3.

    see you in about 17 hours...

  13. Hi,Matt,this is Satsuki.
    I am sorry I missed your class last week! I am definitely going to come tomorrow(no,today!!)

    Since most people have chosen their topic,it is easy for me to choose mine!

    I'm chose bronchitis,because I myself had the suspition of this disease when I was in high school.

    See you in a few hours!

    Satsuki Sato

  14. Good morning Matt!
    This is Shota writing.
    I'll choose 14.Bubonic plague for my topic.
    I've never heard of this.
    See you in about 8 hours!

  15. Hi Matt.  Here is the latesst? man, takuma.
    I researched Measles. I do not want to be caught by measles... So scary!!!

    Well.. See you in the classroom.

  16. Hi, Matt! This is Naomi.
    Maybe I'm the last. Well, my comments are always late! Sorry...

    I chose "HIV"

    See You later^^

    Naomi Ikemura
