Sunday, November 28, 2010

The last of the plague...

Next class is the last day we will have to talk about disease... I hope!
We will start with Quiz #4 over the words on pg 141. Then we will finish the listening from last class. Finally, we will look at and discuss some famous quotes coming from Camus' book The Plague.
In the comments, please tell us what vaccinations you've had.

Monday, November 22, 2010

More infectious disease!

Great job with Gaigosai everybody! But now it's back to reality and back to disease!! On the left is a picture of a doctor during the time of the Bubonic plague in Europe. They thought the heavy clothes and mask filled with burning herbs would protect them from getting infected.
We've got a quiz next class on these words: SARS, AIDS, Bubonic plague, rabies, bronchitis, malaria, Avian flu, tetanus, chicken pox and hepatitis B. There will be 5 minutes at the beginning of class to review the vocabulary with your teammates.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Infectious Disease

Our next topic is going to be about infectious disease! Hooray!! Sounds like fun, right? To get ready for the next class, please choose you favorite disease from below, look it up in Wikipedia and be prepared to tell us a little about it. In the comments please tell us which disease you chose so we can all get different ones (I'll do the disease no one chooses).
1. HIV
2. Tuberculosis
3. Chicken pox
4. Small pox
5. Whooping cough
6. Bronchitis
8. West Nile virus
9. Malaria
10. Measles
11. Tetanus
12. Meningitis
13. Hepatitis B
14. Bubonic plague
15. Rabies