Thursday, October 14, 2010

Where Ideas Come From

Steven Johnson is an American science writer. He made a short video summarizing his new book "Where Good Ideas Come From."
Watch the video HERE and answer one of the following questions in the comments.
1. What's the difference between a "breakthrough idea" and a "hunch"?
2. Who invented the Internet and how long did it take him to get the idea?
3. Why did so many ideas come from coffee houses and salons?
4. What kinds of things is the Internet doing to our brains?
5. What is the great driver of technological and scientific innovation?
6. What does this mean: "Chance favors the connected mind"?


  1. Hello, Matt.

    WOW, the whole drawing parts became a huge light bulb in the end lol !
    The Video is fantastic! It was kind of fast but Steve's talks were very persuasive and frisk.
    I would like to answer:

    3. Why did so many ideas come from coffee houses and salons?

    →Numerous ideas come from such places because there are the places where people's ideas
    could mingle, swap, and create new forms. By integrating or exchanging other's ideas, new and creative ideas will be born.

    Like what Steve mentioned in the Video, communication system such as the Facebook and Twitter have risks but also enabled users to share interesting ideas eachother.

    hope you have a good weekend!
    Misaki Yada

    PS: I forgot to type my name down in the last HW! I hope you know which comment was mine X(

  2. Hi, Matt! This is Sayaka.

    I really liked this video! I was impressed by Mr.Johnson's way of thinking and way of showing that thought in this kind of an epoch-making work.

    I chose question no.2: "Who invented the Internet and how long did it take him to get the idea?" for my comment.

    The man who invented the Internet is Tim Berners-Lee. At first, he didn't have full vision of thing that he was going to invent. It was about ten years after that the full vision of his idea came into being. Until then, He had been working on several projects to organize his own data, but he scrapped those again and again. As we can see from his example, it is necessary for us to spend time to incubate our new ideas.

    Have a nice weekend!
    See you next week! ;D


  3. Hi Matt! This is Satsuki.
    How's your weekend? So far I am having a great time:)

    I am going to answer Question No.2, or

    Who invented the Internet and how long did it take him to get the idea?

    The man who invented the Internet is Tim Berners-Lee, and it took him 10 years to invent it. At first he didn't have a full vision on his idea, and for the 10 years,he thought about it in many ways. He crumpled his ideas up many times,and after 10 years he was able to get his full vision at last.

    I am looking forward to your next lesson!
    See you!!


  4. Hi Matt! This is Kazuki.


    4. What kinds of things is the Internet doing to our brains?

    this question fairly interested me before watching the video. The answer is as follows : the Internet does overwhelm our noggins by keeping us always connected to a multi-tusking lifestyle. Then we can only produce less sophisticated thoughts as we moved out from slower, deeper, and contemplative reading.

    Actually, I am the one among those who tend to spend too much time in browsing instead of reading some significant books though, I dare say the Internet can also let us generate great many ideas, as I'm trying to innovate something on Twitter.

    Even when i was working on this homework, all I can think about is having bibimbap party!!

    I'll see you on Thursday or tomorrow! Maybe on twitter, too!


  5. hi Matt :) this is Choi. what an interesting videoclip hehe

    i choose the most simple one(sorry but its late night lol), the no.2

    the person who invented the internet(world wide web) is Tim Berners Lee and it took 10 years to finalise his work. he crumpled many ideas up and finally got a full vison of WWW after 10 years.

    this is the end of my hw.
    den c u on Thu. :) take care!

  6. Hello, this is takaaki.

    Why did so many ideas come from coffee houses and salons?

    Coffee houses and salons enabled people to present their ideas to others and to hear other ideas that might be against their's. This causes collisions of ideas, which in long term take it to the next level. Disccussions enhanced many ideas.

  7. Hi, this is Takuma. I will answer to question no.5.
    the great driver of technological and scientific innovation is relation among people who have not perfect but good idea in their mind. Because innovation cannot easily happen from only one person's thought, and often requires combinination of two or more ideas.
    Interesting vedio.

  8. Hey,Matt! It's Ayari.

    Interesting video! I liked it.
    I'll answer the last question:

    Just like Steve said, it's easy to meet new ideas in recent years, thanks to the improvement of twitter, Facebook, or those kinds of communication systems.
    As a result, the ideas connect and gets bigger. Because when objects gets big, people would pay more attention to them than smaller ones.
    So I think, the larger idea becomes, the bigger possibility it would link with another complete new ideas.
    If one wants to meet a serendipity, one's idea should get connected with other idea.

    Hmmm, my answer is complecated...

    I wish I could invent a machine to stop or extend days are passing faster and faster!

    See u tomorrow!


  9. Good morning!
    I've just came back from my friend's house.
    I chose 3. Why did so many ideas come from coffee houses and salons?

    Coffee houses in the age of enlightment and salons of modernism had been drivers of creativity because they made spaces where ideas could mingle,swap and create new forms. I guess those places weren't just for eating and drinking.

    See later today!

  10. Hi, Matt. This is Yoji.
    Very interesting video! I was surprised to see that the whole pictures
    I will answer the question No.5.
    The great driver of technological and scientific innovation is the historic increase in connectivity. When we connect and combine each other's ideas, they may become an innovative idea.
    Steve Johnson says in the video that the Internet distracts us, but I think that the Internet is a good way to share and combine our ideas, if we use it properly.

    See you!

  11. Good morning, Matt!
    This is Akira.

    Well, I don't have much time now, so I'll just answer to the question no.2.
    The person who invented the Internet was Tim Berners-Lee. It took him ten years to finish his work.
    I'm sorry my answer is so easy...

    I'm looking forward to the class!
    See you later!


  12. Hi,matt! This is Naomi.

    The video was really interesting!I like it a lot.

    I will answer to:

    Why did so many ideas come from coffee houses and salons?

    Because they were spaces where ideas could mingle, swap and create new things. A breakthrough idea is made when a hunch and another hunch are put together.

    See you later!

    Naomi Ikemura

  13. Hi Matt!
    This is Kanoko.
    I liked the video too. It's really interesting and funny.

    I would like to answer question number2.
    The man who invented the internet is Tim Berners Lee and it took him 10years to get the whole idea.

    See you later!!

  14. Hi, Matt! This is Noya.
    I'm sorry for my late comment...

    I will answer the question no.1. :What's the difference between a "breakthrough idea" and a "hunch"?

    A breakthrough idea almost never come in a moment of great insight, in a sudden stroke of inspiration, since great ideas take a long time to evolve and spend a long time dormant in the background.
    A hunch itself cannot be a breakthrough in a short term but when it is combined with another hunch from other people, it can be a BREAKTHROUGH idea!!!!!

    See you soon!!
