Friday, October 1, 2010


For the next few weeks we will be talking about innovation. Read the quotes below, choose ONE and write your impression in the comments.


"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" - Steve Jobs

"Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity, not as a threat"

"I believe in being an innovator" - Walt Disney

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative" - Woody Allen



  1. Hi, Matt! This is Yoji. How was your summer vacation? I enjoyed the vacation very much, but I missed you and my classmates.

    I was impressed by Jobs' words. As we all know, his company is now leading the world of information technology. That is because his company is supplying the market with many new, advanced and innovative things which we couldn't imagine before.
    Today, world are changing rapidly. Technology is advancing day by day, and people's trends are also chainging within a short span. In such world, we need a new point of view in order to attract the general public. If we do or make the same thing as other person do, we wouldn't be able to attract people. Only innovative person can be a leader. I think Jobs' company's products are very innovative, and that is why the company's products are purchased and used by many people from all over the world.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you on Thursday. Bye!

  2. Hi Matt! This is Shota writing. This you enjoy your summer vacation? I did.

    I was impressed by Walt Disney. He created characters such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck which have been loved by all generations.

    In modern society, things change every second. Therefore, some people tend to see these changes as a threat to their life. However, it is necessary for us to view these changes as opportunities to do something new like Walt Disney.

    See you on Thursday!

  3. Hi Matt! This is Kazuki.
    As I told you this afternoon, I had a wonderful vacation! How about you?

    I prefer the last one. It appears that only genius or some gifted people can make innovations and whether one can innovate something is not a matter of the effort. However, this man, Allen brings us the fact that innovative people actually take pains to create the new world.

    Can't wait to tell you about the days in Finland!


  4. Matt!!How have you been?I miss you so much...I had a GREAT vacation this summer:)

    The second quote was impressive to me. I like the way he/she thinks change as a great chance, and I believe to think positively like this leads to happier life.

    I'm looking forward to see you soon!!


  5. Hello, Matt! This is Noya,
    It's been a long time!!
    I of course enjoyed my holidays very much.

    I like the second quote.
    I strongly agree with his/her opinion. Even innovative things become nothing special in time so what is important is to keep being creative and willing to try anything new.

    See you tomorrow!!

  6. Hello Matt. This summer I went to Germany to learn more about German. Many kinds of people from all around the world were in the course to study it, and I got to experience different types of people in various cultures.

    The second quote is interesting, and I agree to it too. Throughout the history, many innovators had attempted to try new things and fought against all ready existing ideas and ideologies.
    I also read that innovation or new ideas are difficult for human brains to get used to it.(probably that's why sometimes innovation could be a "threat" for some people)

    I hope to see you and our class tomorrow!
    Good Night!

  7. Hi Matt! This is Kanoko writing. I hope you had a nice summer vacation.

    I liked the second quote. Making a change in a way of thinking or doing things is often a difficult thing to do. So many people don't like changes-they think as "threats".But if you change the way of looking at it, it can become a great opportunity.
    I think the quote itself is innovative(at least for me. I've never thought of that way)! It gives a new perspective towards changes.

    See you tomorrow!

  8. Hi, Matt This is Takuma who idled away this summer...

    Innovation is very important, and necessary for people to go to the next. However, I think that innovation, which means to generate something different what it was, can be pleased because of the existance of who is not innovative.
    What if everyone became innovative? Innovation is surpassed by other innovation at once. In such situation, no new method can be adapted by people. So, I believe many, or enormous normal people are required for innovation to be impressive. ....Well, just kidding.
    I respect and long to be who lived innovatively.

  9. Hi, Matt! This is Sayaka writing.

    How was your summer in Nagano? Was it much hotter than in Tokyo?
    I had a great summer vacation, but I should have studied English more... My brain doesn't work well now!!X<

    Well, for me, Walt Disney's words are the most impressive. His words are clear and easy to understand.
    To create better lives, some kind of change is needed everyday. Of course, to protect tradition is important thing to do, but to persist in it too much is a bad thing. In that way, we can't move forward anymore. To be afraid of new trend is one of the habits of human-lives, I think. Disney might have been awared of this tendency of people, and said these words to enlighten them.
    I thought his plain words dissolved the prejudice among many people against the word, "innovation."

    I just can't wait to attend your class tomorrow!
    See you then!


  10. Hi, this is Akira!
    How was your summer vacation?
    I...I think I enjoyed my vacation.(^^;)
    I was so bored in August since I had nothing to do, but September, I had club activities almost every day!
    It was very hot, and so hard...

    To me, Walt Disney's word was the most impressive.
    He believed in being an innovator, and he really became one!
    He made new kinds of charactors, such as Micky Mouse. This was the beginning of animations.
    We can tell from this that there must be an innovator to change our lives, and to become one, we must believe in becoming one!

    I'm looking forward to today's class!


  11. hello,Matt! this is Choi. it was so,so nice to see u again:) anw, our long long summer vacation is over & its time to study again:( though i enjoyed enough my summer vacation so there is no regret haha..i have to study more from now onxD

    and..the homework!
    my favourite quote is 'Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower'. Steve Jobs is one of the people that i think really great. He made the Apple become a leading company in the IT field. Jobs himself is a good example of pioneers and prove that developing new technology is not everything. Coming up with good novel idea is also important in our era. :)and i 100 percent agree with Jobs' idea.

    lookin forward to our fall's semester!take care and c u on Thu.:D

    p.s sorry everyone that i came off a lil(not a little,anw!) early last class!

  12. Hi Matt! This is Satsuki.
    How was your summer vacation? I missed you so much!!

    I was most impressed by Woody Allen's quote, because I felt really close to his words. Certainly, to become more innovative you have to fail now and then. As one proverb says, "Every failure is the stepping stone to success."
    In fact, I was afraid of making mistakes when I was little. However, eight years ago, when I was a fifth-year student at elementary school,I participated in an all-English camp. The camp's motto was:"Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Let's try communicating in English." The camp has taught me the importance of making mistakes and to learn from it. From then, I overcame the fear and tried many new things.
    Now, looking at this blog, I found Woody Allen's words. It reminded me of the camp I prticipated. I felt it important to be innovative, and not to be afraid of making mistakes.

    I am looking forward to your next class!
    See you later!!


  13. Hi,Matt!!This is Naomi.
    I'm sorry I couldn't attend the class last week...

    Walt Disney's quote was impressive to me.
    I think people must believe in ourselves at first to become a great person,such as an innovator.

    See you later!!

    Naomi Ikemura
