Friday, July 16, 2010

Rough Drafts

Next class please bring your rough draft to class so we can do peer review!
If you need help with finding a topic, look HERE for a list of art movements or HERE for art history. Remember, you can choose and artist, an art movement, a musician, a kind of music, an architect, an architectural movement, a fashion designer or kind of fashion, etc... Any kind of creative person or movement is great!
Email me if you need any help!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cubism is Crazy!

Watch this short video about the history of cubism HERE. In the comments, please tell us what you thought was interesting!


Also, are you thinking about your topic for the last report??????????

Thursday, July 1, 2010

More art!

Look at the list of art movements HERE. Have a look around and tell us something interesting you find in the comments.