Thursday, April 29, 2010

Presentation Topic Ideas

Next class we will choose our presentation topics. Here are some example ideas for you:

Crime rates in your hometown
Your ideas for making a safer city
A Japanese city planner
Jane Jacobs
Ebenezer Howard
Le Corbusier
Daniel Burnham
CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design)
Survey: Do TUFS students feel safe where they live?
The design of your hometown

These are examples, you can use one or change it or make your own topic.
In the comments please tell me of 2 topics that you might want to do your presentation about.

Have a great Golden Week!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Blog Post

Please tell me about the partner you met during our first class.

Go to "comments" below. Type your information (don't forget your name!). In the "comment as" section, you can choose "Anonymous". Finally, click on "Post comment".

Send me an email if you have problems.

See you next week!
